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L. Frank Baum's "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz" has seen many reincarnations since first being published in 1900. Much of the symbolic meanings of the popular story of Oz continue to undergo speculation. The meaning of home and the implications of not having a heart, brain,  courage or a home are metaphoric questions that remain in heavy rotation in popular culture and popular fiction. Yet in an un-fictitious twist, the book by Michele Rubatino, "The Origin of the Wonderful Wizard of Oz" (published by iUniverse), depicts one aspect of Baum's story that was not metaphorical but, in fact, actual - the maps found on the end papers in Tik Tok of Oz.

Rubatino discusses the origin of the maps that Baum claims he discovered, rather than penned from his own imagination. "The Origin of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz" provides the evidence to unveil the maps found in the Oz books, forty of them in all, were derived from drawing blueprints taken from the text of a King James Version Bible dating from around 1611.

This information found by Baum formed the foundation for the creation of this fantasy series. Rubatino's discovery will help Oz enthusiasts, theologians, quantum physicists, those working with human psychology and all interested in the timeless works of Baum to decipher the many facets he included in his stories. It will help fans gain a better perspective on the mysteries still to be found in the Bible and the Oz series. It is no wonder that "The Wizard of Oz" is the most watched movie on earth, or for that matter, that the bible is the most printed published book. It speaks to our very nature as the organisms we are, and reveals an understanding to the value of grasping the meaning of the "man behind the curtain."

The Origin of the Wonderful Wizard of Oz

By Michele Rubatino

Wizard of Oz
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